MRD: 394210
Age/Sex : 62 Years/ Male
Department : Cardiology
Dates o Admission/Discharge: 14/01/2007 - 24/01/2007
I am Padmanabhan and I am coming from Vadakara. My family consists of my wife Padmini, my son Padmakumar, and my 2 daughters Padmapriya and Varadha. From our first Darshan with Amma in 1989, we have been working for the Ashram in Vadakara. I am a retired government employee. I was working as a Deputy Director in the Local Fed Audit Department. On April 21, 2004 I had a heart attack and I was admitted in the nearby hospital. For 5 days I was in the ICU, then I was brought to AIMS for further treatment. An Angiogram was taken and other tests were also done, the total costs coming up to Rs.25,000/-. The doctors told us that operation is the only option. We are living on the Pension amount that I receive monthly and we do not have any other ways of earning our livelihood.Because of the financial difficulties, I decided to postpone the operation for 2 months. As I could not afford the operation charges, we went for Ayurvedic treatment. There were 5 blocks in my heart and doctors advised surgery again. On December 8th 2005 we went to see Amma in Vallikavu and along with thousands of other devotees we got an opportunity to see Amma. We told Her of all our difficulties and She told us to do the surgery in AIMS hospital. After the lunch we sat down in the hall and one hour later I experienced a severe chest pain. I was taken to the casualty department at AIMS. Angiogram was taken and the blocks were still present. Doctors advised that the operation should be conducted as early as possible, otherwise it would be dangerous.We had already spent Rs.30,000/-. Due to our poor financial situation we approached the patient service department for treatment help. Swami Vivekamrita Chaitanya gave us a letter and we gave the Verification Report to the Patient service department. On 15th January 2007 the operation was done. With the grace of Amma, the operation was successful, and I was discharged on 24th January 2007. It is only because of the guidance of Amma that the operation was successful. We received a concession of Rs.98,000/- and I do not have enough words to express my deep felt thanks to Amma for saving my life. My family and I would like to convey our sincere thanks and humble pranams at the Lotus feet of Amma.
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