Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Sarada Thankappan

MRD No :701662
Age/Sex : 56 Years/Female
Department: Oncology
Date of Admission/ Discharge : 01/12/2008---02/12/2008

Dear Amma,

My name is Saji.P.T. and I hail from a place called Puthuppally in Kottayam district. I am a driver by profession. My brothers are coolie workers. All I have for myself is a small house in 3 cents of land. I underwent financial crisis a while back for my father’s treatment. One of my brothers is diabetic. I still haven’t paid for the loan that I took for my father’s kidney problem. In the midst of all these problems, my mother suffered from a bump in her head, which was diagnosed as tumor and the doctor referred her to AIMS. We reached here and gave an application at patient services. Someone from there came to our house for enquiry and promised to help us. With Amma’s blessings and with the love and affection of all the staff in this hospital, my mother was fully recovered from her illness. Myself and my family offer a million thanks to Mata Amritanandamayi Devi for providing a huge amount of Rs. 24630 as treatment help. I give full consent to publish my mother’s photograph along with this letter in Amma’s publication.


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