Monday, November 10, 2008


MRD No : 705751
Age / Sex : 40 years / Female
Department : CVTS
Dateof Admission / Discharge : 26/10/2008—10/11/2008

Pranams to Amma.

I am Muhammad and I am writing this letter on behalf of my wife Safiya. I am from a very poor financial background. All I have is 15 cents of land and a very small house. I work as a conductor in a private bus. I have two children. One of them is in the Gulf for the past two months now. He had borrowed Rs. 1,50,000 from someone before going. So I cannot ask him for any money. So as soon as I heard about my wife’s illness I contacted patient services. They gave me a letter which I gave to the swamiji in the ashram. Someone from the ashram came to my house for enquiry and gave us a letter. I was given treatment help of Rs. 39855 and I am extremely thankful for the great help.

After falling ill my wife has been admitted in a hospital in Kozhikode several times. The doctors there said that she needed a surgery. Many people who have done surgeries here told us that this is the best hospital and that everyone is very dedicated. So we decided to come here. All the doctors, nurses and other staff in this hospital were very loving towards us. I thank each and everyone of them. I thank everyone for providing me with treatment help of Rs. 39855. My wife’s had problem with both heart valves. Now it is replaced and she is feeling much better. I give consent to publish my wife’s photograph along with this letter in Amma’s publication.


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